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发布时间:2024-06-18 20:13:29 财经问答

Yahoo Email: Which Country Does Yahoo Email Belong To?

1. Introduction

1. Yahoo Email Introduction

Yahoo Email, also known as Yahoo International, is an email service tool launched by Yahoo Company. Yahoo is a global internet service company based in the United States. It offers a range of internet services, including portal websites, search engines, Yahoo! Website categories, Yahoo! Email, news, and more.

2. Yahoo as a US Company

Yahoo! Company (NASDAQ: YHOO) is a publicly listed company and a global internet service company based in the United States. It provides a range of internet services, including portal websites, search engines, Yahoo! Website categories, Yahoo! Email, news, and login functions.

3. Yahoo's Global Presence

Yahoo is a US internet portal website and one of the creators of the internet miracle at the end of the 20th century. Its services include search engines, email, news, and more. Its business covers 24 countries and regions, providing diversified network services to over 500 million independent users globally. It is also a global internet communication, trade, and media company.

4. Yahoo Email Service

Yahoo Email is an international email service, also known as Yahoo International. It is an email service tool launched by Yahoo Company, one of the first companies to engage in email on a global scale.

5. Registering for Yahoo Email in China

Due to Yahoo Email not being open for registration in mainland China, it is determined by the user's IP address when accessing the internet to determine the user's country. If the IP is from mainland China, registration for Yahoo Email is not allowed.

6. China Yahoo! Email POP/SMTP Settings

For @yahoo.com.cn email accounts, the server addresses and ports for POP/SMTP settings are as follows:

POP3 server address: pop.mail.yahoo.com.cn, SSL port: 995

SMTP server address: smtp.mail.yahoo.com.cn, SSL port: 465

7. Closure of China Yahoo Email Service

As of 12:27, the Yahoo Email service under Alibaba's Chinese Yahoo has officially closed. The term "Yahoo" was invented by Jonathan Swift, author of "Gulliver's Travels," to represent someone who is very annoying in appearance and behavior. Yahoo! founders, Yang Zhiyuan and David Filo, chose this name because they felt it represented an outsider.

In conclusion, Yahoo Email is a global email service tool offered by Yahoo Company, a US-based internet service company. Despite its closure in certain regions, Yahoo Email has left a lasting impact on the internet industry and continues to be a significant player in the global network service market.