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the mass,the masses

发布时间:2024-05-26 14:20:24 期货证券

the mass,the masses是一个常见短语,表示“大量的”、“一大堆”或“民众”。在英语中,这个短语有多种用法和意义。下面将详细介绍相关内容。

1. a mass of

1.1 释义:表示“一大块”或“一大堆”。

1.2 举例:如:a mass of cloud(一大朵云彩)、I have a mass of things to do(我有一大堆事情要做)。

2. the masses

2.1 释义:表示“民众”,指社会中没有权力或影响的普通人。

2.2 补充:the masses是历史的创作者。

3. mass的基本意思

3.1 释义:mass的基本意思是聚在一起形成无一定形状的堆,引申可指物体的、精神的、情感的、知识的结合。

3.2 用法例句:There were masses of people in the shops yesterday(昨天商店里人如潮涌)。

4. 用法例句

4.1 例句:The sky was full of dark masses of clouds(天空中乌云密布)。

4.2 解释:这句话中masses是mass的复数形式,意思是块、堆、团。

5. drama, and fork art. The entries, with rich contents and various forms, were created by the masses this year. The creations presented the splendid scenery of Hunan Province.

6. the masses. He showed American corporations for the first time how to