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发布时间:2024-06-23 12:28:45 股票基金

Reflect, Reflected

1. Reflect as a verb

1.1 Meaning

Reflect can be used as a verb, meaning to reflect (heat, light, etc.) on an object or surface

to reflect (an image) in a mirror

to faithfully reflect

to bring honor or shame to someone

to speak contemptuously

to think seriously

to deviate.

1.2 Example

For example, "His face was reflected in the mirror" means that his face was shown in the mirror.

2. Reflect back (v.+adv.)

2.1 Meaning

Reflect back means to throw back something. For instance, "The sea reflected back the bright sunlight" implies that the sea threw back the bright sunlight.

3. Reflect from (v.+prep.)

3.1 Meaning

Reflect from means to reflect from something. For example, "The light reflected from the mirror" indicates that the light bounced off the mirror.

4. Variations of Reflect

4.1 Forms

The past tense of reflect is "reflected," the present participle is "reflecting," and the past participle is also "reflected." Reflect is primarily used to convey the idea of reflecting, projecting, or mirroring something, such as light, heat, sound, or an image.

5. Pronunciation and Synonyms

5.1 Pronunciation

In American English, "reflect" is pronounced as [rɪˈflekt], and in British English, it is pronounced as [rɪflekt]. The third-person singular form is "reflects," the present participle is "reflecting," and the past tense is "reflected."

5.2 Synonyms

Some synonyms for "reflect" include accurately reflect, necessarily reflect, directly reflect, etc.

6. Reflected in High School

6.1 Definition

When "reflected" is used in the context of high school, it can mean something that is reflective or derived from others. It can also refer to the act of reflecting light, heat, sound, or an image.