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happy new year,happy new year作文80词

发布时间:2024-06-14 13:17:06 股票基金
Chinese New Year is the most important, interesting festival in China. Before the Chinese New Year, everyone is very busy. They want the Spring Festival to be a new beginning, so everyone is busy cleaning their homes, shopping for new clothes, and preparing festive foods.

1. 节日热闹

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a lively and vibrant time in China. Families come together to celebrate and welcome the new year with fireworks, dragon dances, and festive decorations.

2. 传统习俗

On the eve of the Spring Festival, families clean their homes to sweep away any bad luck from the past year. Red decorations are put up to symbolize good luck and prosperity. People also exchange red envelopes with money inside for good fortune.

3. 长假期间

The Lunar New Year is a four-day holiday in China, during which people take time off work to spend with their families. It is a time for relaxation, celebration, and reflection on the past year.

4. 重要性

The Spring Festival is of great importance to Chinese people as it marks the beginning of a new year and a new start. It is a time to cherish family and loved ones, and to look forward to a year of prosperity and happiness.