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for android,for AndroidHow to play. 翻译

发布时间:2024-06-17 20:27:19 商业分析

AndroidHow to play

1. Overview

ExoPlayer Guide Overview

This guide describes how to use ExoPlayer for playing Android supported media formats, as well as DASH and SmoothStreaming playback. It also discusses ExoPlayer events, messages, DRM support, and guidelines for customization.

2. ExoPlayer Events

Understanding ExoPlayer Events

ExoPlayer provides different events to handle various states during media playback. Some common events include onLoadingChanged, onPlayerStateChanged, and onPlayerError. These events help developers manage media playback efficiently.

3. Button Mappings for Gamepads

Standardizing Button Mappings for Gamepads

Prior to the upcoming L release, Android had not set a standard for button mappings and how Gamepads should work. This lack of standardization led to inconsistencies in game controls across different devices. However, efforts are being made to address this issue and provide a consistent experience for gamers.

4. Working with Java on Android Platform

Developing for Android Platform with Java

This document was written for developers who have worked with Java before and want to start developing for the Android Platform. It provides a comprehensive guide on how to start developing Android applications using Java programming language.

5. Android Version Release

Planned Release of Android Version

An Android version is planned for sometime this quarter, indicating a forthcoming update for Android users. The release may include new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to improve the overall user experience on Android devices.

By following these guidelines and understanding the key points mentioned above, developers can create more efficient and user-friendly Android applications. Stay updated with the latest Android developments to ensure compatibility and optimal performance for your apps.